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技術翻訳プロフェッショナル講座 「翻訳の真髄」

24 半導体の驚異的な進歩 和文英訳


【解 説】
・ 驚異的な進歩:
 rapid (or phenomenal) progress

・ 大きな速度格差:
 a wide speed disparity

・ 高速化への追従が難しい~:
 ~ that can not match the new pace

[直 訳]

As electronic parts, especially semiconductor devices, have made remarkable progress, a wide disparity in speed has arisen between the electronic and the mechanical sections of machines, and mechanical parts that cannot match the pace are gradually being replaced by electric circuits.


Rapid progress in electronic parts, especially semiconductor devices, has given rise to a wide speed disparity between the electronic and mechanical sections of machines, ……..


……… and mechanical parts that cannot match the new pace are gradually being replaced by electronic circuitry.


[訳 文]
Rapid progress in electronics, especially semiconductor technology, has given rise to a wide speed disparity between the electronic and mechanical sections of machines, and mechanical parts that cannot match the new pace are gradually being replaced by electronic circuitry.

(Machine Design 誌より、和文は水上龍郎氏訳)
・Increased electronic content is inevitable for many products.
→ いま多くの製品がエレクトロニクス化の傾向にあることは否定すべくもない。

・In almost every case, more electronic control makes a product smaller, less costly, more efficient.
→ 電子制御の応用はほとんど例外なく、製品の小型化、コストの低減、効率の向上に寄与している。