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技術翻訳プロフェッショナル講座 「翻訳の真髄」

53 走査型電子顕微鏡(SEM) 和文英訳


【解 説】
・ 試料:
 a sample

・ 電子線:
 electron beam

・ 照射する:
 bombard, aim at

・ 2次電子:
 secondary electrons

・ SEM:
 Scanning Electron Microscope

・ 試料表面の形状:
 the surface dimensional characteristic of a sample

・ 観察する:
 (この場合は) measure

・ 細く絞った電子線:
 a finely-focused electron beam

・ 2次元走査する:
 (is) scanned in two dimensions

・ 試料各部:
 various parts of the sample

・ 光学顕微鏡:
 an optical microscope

・ 分解能:

・ 焦点深度:
 focal depth

・ 格段に優れている:
 (is) far superior to ~

[直 訳]
When an electron beam is irradiated at a sample, secondary electrons are generated from the surface of the sample(1). The rate at which they are generated depends on the material and shape of the sample(2). A scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a device that observes the surface dimensional characteristics of a sample using this phenomenon of secondary electrons(3). In other words, through two-dimensional scanning of the electron beam while irradiating a finely-focused electron beam the SEM detects the secondary electrons from the various parts of the sample(4), and is far superior to an optical microscope in resolution and focal depth(5).


(1) にも(2)にも “are generated” という動詞句が使われていますので、これを1回ですまされないか、とまず考えます。


The surface of a sample bombarded by an electron beam emits secondary electrons at a rate depending on the sample shape and material.


直訳文でまず悪いところは、(3)の “A scanning electron microscope(SEM) is a device” です。これはいわば同語反復 (tautological) です。電子顕微鏡は一つの装置であることは誰でも知っている事実ですから、こう書いてもあまり意味がないわけです。

次に “using this phenomenon of secondary electrons” の中の “of” 以下は不要です。次のように書けばよいと思います。

“ A scanning electron microscope(SEM) utilizes this phenomenon to measure the surface dimensional characteristics of a sample.

(4) の中の副詞句 “through two-dimensional scanning …. electron beam” は、むしろ一つの文章にした方がよいでしょう。

次の “main clause(主文)” とで二つの文章になりますが、この方がわかりやすいと思います。次のように。

“A finely-focused electron beam is aimed at the surface of the sample and scanned in two dimensions. The SEM detects the resulting secondary electrons emitted from various parts of the sample.

(5) の直訳文ではほとんど直すところはありません。以上をまとめて【訳 文】として以下に示します。

【訳 文】

The surface of a sample bombarded by an electron beam emits secondary electrons at a rate depending on the sample shape and material. A scanning electron microscope(SEM) utilizes this phenomenon to measure the surface dimensional characteristics of a sample. A finely-focused electron beam is aimed at the surface of the sample and scanned in two dimensions. The SEM detects the resulting secondary electrons emitted from various parts of the sample. The SEM is far superior to an optical microscope, especially in resolution and focal depth.